Good Reasons to Not Have a Wet Basement in Chicago

by | May 22, 2018 | Plumbing

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Chicago has over 2.7 million residents, making it only third in line behind New York and Los Angeles as one of the most populated cities in America. Like the other two cities, Chicago is surrounded by bodies of water. However, because of Chicago’s naturally flat landscape and close to sea level position, its history with water is different and flood control in Chicago necessary.

What Does That Have to Do with Me?

If you live in Chicago, then knowing a little bit of history may be helpful in understanding the importance of learning about your water and sewage system. There were many attempts throughout the history of Chicago to resolve the issue of sewage diversion and water drainage. Some of these attempts were amazing and led to great feats such as raising the entire city to get out of sewage runoff and build the system under the city.

The way home sewage was taken care of changed over the years. The date a home was built can often indicate what type of system is installed in a home. Homes in Chicago require special attention because of the potential for sewage backup flooding into basements. Therefore, water in your basement, may not be just rainwater. There could be many other unhealthy and potentially dangerous materials in that water.

When it Rains, it Pours,

The architecture of the buildings and layout of the town can contribute to the problem of the flooding. When it rains (and pours), water collects on the roof as well as the catch basins (an area that leads to storm drain). Recent weather patterns have also added to the issue with additional water going into basements. Unpredictable and intense rainfalls that have been hitting Chicago along with the usual rainstorms only intensify the situation with wet and flooded basements. The sewer system was not intended to carry such a burdensome load, and residents find themselves with flooded basements if they do not have a system in place to prevent the flooding.

Wet Basement Concerns

In addition to potentially harmful materials within the water, standing water and damp environments are conditions that can cause many issues if not remediated quickly. By allowing standing water to remain (even small amounts), it is penetrating your concrete floor, weakening it. Eventually, you will see signs of the effects such as cracks. As water seeps into the foundation, water can cause serious harm to the structure of your home. Wet basements are the perfect place for mold and harmful bacteria to develop and grow. Pests are also are attracted to damp and wet areas. All of these conditions lead to expenses and stress…all of which are good reasons to not have a wet basement and to have flood control in Chicago.

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